Monday, May 28, 2012

Random Notes on Candyce

- She hearts fashion, heels, anything sweet, cheer, and texting.
- When she grows up she wants to be a cupcake baker (like me)
- She' been overly sensitive her whole life
- Never had a friend longer than 3 months
- Has a LOT of experience, even with Chris (note to self: cross him off the crush list </3)
- Secretly loves fairy tales
- All she wants in life is a happy ending

Operation MOC

I'm giving Candyce a makeover and calling it Operation MOC (make over candyce). So heres the plan:


- Doesn't want to be used anymore but doesn't want to be mean, assirtive


-to nice, to naive, to sensitive


-give C a peptalk, teach her to say "enough is enough" and "no", boost her confidence

Hope this works. She should be here any second (invited her to my house).  I cleaned my room, set out snacks (including cupcakes) <3 and had 2 custom charm anklets made! I here a knock, must be her!

Clique Auditions

So today I held clique auditions and...
No one fit my standards. :(
But there was someone who caught my eye:

 Her names Candyce. Her appearance is flawless but her alpha-tude is not. This girl is gorgeous on the outside but on the inside she's a sensitive mess. Around school she's known as a "cry baby" and "push-over" but its my job to change that. I'm giving her a complete make over, atleast on the inside!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

If at first you dont succeed your nawt an alpha!

My name is Cassandra Audrey.  I was born on January 1st, 1998. 
My favorite color is gold.  I love all things sweet, winning, and fashion.
I have caramel skin, brown eyes, and dark brown hair.
My mom, Audrey, is white. My dad, Mark, is black.
I've been an alpha my whole life. I've embraced it since yesterday.
I dont have a clique yet but i'll be holding auditions today at RMS, my school.